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Modern Slavery Declaration - the Global GreenTag International MSD™

Ready for Modern Slavery Reporting, Global GreenTag International delivers the world's first Modern Slavery Declaration for products – the Global GreenTag International Modern Slavery Declaration or Global GreenTag International (GGTI) MSD™

At its core, the GGTI MSD™ addresses the profound humanitarian need to help minimise the conditions of Modern Slavery prevailing in global supply chains.

At a corporate and social responsibility level, the GGTI MSD™ assists companies to start being proactive towards this mission by helping them to prepare and meet existing and emergent government legislations that are mandating Modern Slavery Reporting and pressing for an end to Modern Slavery, altogether.

At a practical level every day - where it matters most for product manufacturers - the GGTI MSD™ serves as a proactive tool whose methodology allows companies to be transparent and share critical information that will help minimise the risks of Modern Slavery and assist customers and companies' own Modern Slavery Statement preparation. They can provide information in confidence to Global GreenTag International assessors of activities known - to the best of their knowledge – occurring in their product supply chains and on a range of Modern Slavery issues from which we need to protect people:

Global GreenTag International assessors then harness the GGTI MSD™ tool to conduct a comprehensive risk assessment, verification and ranking process on all of these issues on individual product supply chains to produce a final GGTI MSD™ Report and Product Scorecard that:

The GGTI MSD logo that manufacturers will be able to use to promote products with a GGTI MSD Report

Global GreenTag International has been actively involved with a number of interest bodies in recent years to bring stronger focus to the problem of Modern Slavery and was one of a core group of companies that pledged support behind the Australian Human Rights Commission's call for Modern Slavery legislation in late 2017.

The risk of Modern Slavery occurring in supply chains - including issues of ethical labour sourcing and social impacts - have always been a requirement for assessment of products under the Global GreenTag International Product Certification Standard.

Global GreenTag International has been actively involved with a number of interest bodies in recent years to bring stronger focus to the problem of Modern Slavery and was one of a core group of companies that pledged support behind the Australian Human Rights Commission's call for Modern Slavery legislation in late 2017.

Cover of a Global GreenTag International Modern Slavery Declaration Report – click on image to enlarge

The scope of the GGTI MSD™ provides clarity for all parties along supply chains, communicating transparently:

The GGTI MSD report provides individual supply chain scores and weighted overall average score and risk rankings of 'Very Low Risk', 'Low Risk', 'Low to Medium Risk' through to 'Medium' and 'Very High Risk'). The report provides a quick product Modern Slavery Risk overview, as well as detailed supporting documentation for a manufacturer's or their purchasers' corporate Modern Slavery Statements, whether these be mandated or voluntarily undertaken.

Global GreenTag undertook an international Stakeholder Review process and Weightings Survey to finalise the Global GreenTag International Modern Slavery Declaration.

The GreenTag Directors and Team would like to thank deeply all those who participated to provide critical and useful feedback in the final document, which has resulted in quite significant changes and increased usefulness.

We invite you to review the results of the Final Public Release versions of the output documents:

Download: The MSD Guidance Document
Download:The Weightings Survey and Stakeholder Feedback Response
Download:The Resultant MSD Template Design DRAFT
(PLEASE NOTE: still subject to design finalisation)


To enquire further about the MSD in the USA, please contact Daniel Huard, CEO - Global GreenTag Americas:

Daniel HUARD (US Pacific Time zone)
Cell: +1 702 604 3359

To enquire further about the MSD in other countries, please contact Brett Hazlett, Global Sales - Global GreenTag International:

Brett HAZLETT (Australia EST)
Mobile: +61 (0) 430 010 275

A GreenTag MSD acknowledges that the 'modern slavery risk disclosure' is not about reporting that a company or its procurement processes and supply chains are 'slavery-free', but demonstrating the risk of slavery activities that may or may not have occurred within the business together with an assessment of data quality risk assessment and the actions of a company taken to remedy and prevent such occurrences.

All documents and graphics on this page are the Copyright of Dual Harmony Pty Ltd (C) 2020

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