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Product: ProtectWall 1.5mm

Tarkett Australia Pty Ltd

ProtectWall 1.5mm


ProtectWall 1.5

TOP 3 Benefits:

  •  Health and Eco-Toxicity
  •  Durability
  • Product Stewardship

ProtectWall 1.5 is a heterogeneous vinyl wall covering that protects walls from scratches, stains, shocks and impacts. This helps in lowering repair and maintenance cost associated with damaged walls. This product has been treated with TopClean™ clean surface protection to enhance ease of cleaning and provide resistance to scuffs, scratches and stains.

ProtectWall has low VOC <10ug/m3 and is phthalate free.

Recycled Content
Post-consumer: 11.2%

Certification Tag
Green Rate Result
  • GreenTag GreenRate Level A
    Under Renewal
  • Best Environmental Practice PVC
    Under Renewal
  • GreenTag PHD PlatinumHEALTH
    Under Renewal
LCARate Scorecard


Building/Product Synergy

Health & Ecotoxicity


Life Cycle Analysis - Water

Life Cycle Analysis - Resources

Life Cycle Analysis - Greenhouse Gas

Corporate Social Responsibility

Ratings Tools

Construction Code Compliance

More information:

The product is GreenTag GreenRate Level A Certified under Scheme A7.

The products have successfully passed the relevant GreenTag Standard's Cautionary Assessment Process and no issues of concern or red lights comments exist regarding the toxicity of the products.

Additional Information
GreenTag GreenRate Level A

GreenTag Downloads
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Certified under:
Global GreenTag Standard V4.0

Product available at:

Rating tools relevance:

Green Star® Australia "Buildings" v1.0 Rating tool:

Green Star® Australia "Design & As Built v1.3" Rating Tools Credits:

Green Star® Australia "Interiors v1.3" Rating Tools Credits:

Green Star® Australia "Performance 1.2" Rating Tools Credit:

IWBI® WELL v1.0 Features (PHD™ Available):
Recognized for Features:

Compliant Technical Document (Audited) for Feature/s:

IWBI® WELL v2.0 Features (PHD™ Available):
Recognized for Feature/s:

Compliant Technical Document (Audited) for Feature/s:

IS® v1.2:

IS® Design & As-Built v2.1:

LEED® v4.0 for Building Design and Construction Rating Tool:
MR Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimization – Environmental Declarations (EN 15804 + ISO 14025 EPD Available):

MR Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Material Ingredients (PHD™ Available):

LEED® v4.1 for Building Design and Construction Rating Tool:
MR Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimization – Environmental Declarations (EN 15804 + ISO 14025 EPD Available):

MR Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Material Ingredients (PHD™ Available):

EarthCheck Rating Tool:

EPD EN 15804 & ISO 14025 as Supporting Technical Evidence for:

Green Star® Australia "Buildings" v1.0 Rating tool:

Green Star® Australia "Design & As Built v1.3" Rating Tools Credits:

Green Star® Australia "Interiors v1.3" Rating Tools Credits:

Green Star® New Zealand 'Design & As Built NZ' v1.1:

IS® v1.2:

IS® Design & As-Built v2.1:

LEED® v4.0 for Building Design and Construction Rating Tool:
MR Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimization – Environmental Declarations (EN 15804 + ISO 14025 EPD Available):

LEED® v4.1 for Building Design and Construction Rating Tool:
MR Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimization – Environmental Declarations (EN 15804 + ISO 14025 EPD Available):

BRE Global BREEAM® International New Construction v6.0 Rating Tool:

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